International Olympic Truce Centre
International Olympic Truce Centre > Programmes > Respecting Diversity – Get Aquainted with Sport

Respecting Diversity – Get Aquainted with Sport

Carried out at the Peace and Friendship Stadium’s sports halls, this educational programme is addressed to schoolchildren, aged from 10 to 15, who are given the opportunity to familiarize themselves with various sports. Five stations are set up and students form groups that visit each station in rotation, spending 30 minutes at each one. In each of the four stations, children get to know top athletes and Champions, who introduce them to their sport. The fifth station is dedicated to the Idea of Olympic Truce. The workshops take place, under the guidance of Olympians and top athletes, while experiencing and exploring notions like team spirit, understanding and communication – essential aspects of Olympic Truce.

Through activities, interactive techniques and role-playing games, children develop a better understanding of the power of sport and the importance of its inclusion in their everyday lives. Additionally, the opportunity of exchanging opinions via constructive dialogue with Olympians and Champions, on issues such as violence in-and-out of the field or doping, which remain a plague of our era, awakens students and helps them raise questions about recent times’ significant concerns.

The ultimate goal of running the “Get Acquainted with Sport” programme is the creation of a culture of peaceful coexistence, of respecting diversity and different opinions. The programme is held under the auspices of the Hellenic Ministry of Education, in cooperation with the 2nd largest in Greece stadium, the Peace and Friendship Stadium.