International Olympic Truce Centre
International Olympic Truce Centre > Newsfeed > Press Centre > Open Letter Endorsing the Call for Peace by the Olympic Athletes

Open Letter Endorsing the Call for Peace by the Olympic Athletes

To all citizens of the world and to the governments during the XXXIII Olympic Games, ‘Paris 2024,’ and the XVII Paralympic Summer Games,

As the Vice Presidents and Director of the International Olympic Truce Center, we strongly endorse the spirit of the “Call for Peace by the Olympic athletes”, which was conveyed on Monday at the Olympic Village. As underlined by the President of the International Olympic Committee, Mr. Thomas Bach, “the Olympic athletes are the peace ambassadors of our time. They are sending a resounding message of Peace from Paris to the world”.

It is an obligation, for all of us who identify with the Olympic movement, to work to our best ability in order to create another culture, a culture of peace. We can achieve this by correctly and effectively using the best tool and means of inspiration we possess; sport and athletes. The Olympic Games create a culture of Peace.

We strongly believe that the Olympic Truce ideals are the first step towards peace. If we want peace, we all have to apply the Olympic ideals and values in our everyday lives. We have to make peace with our family, our friends, our neighbors, our co-workers, our community. It is the community level that help us understand the importance of peace. It is there that we first practice mutual respect, understanding, acceptance of the people as they are. Olympic Games show us the way to do so, because you cannot practice sport without respecting your opponent or trying to achieve excellence or being a friend to your co-players. It is sport that help all of us to live and cooperate with each other, to strive for the best result and enjoy the benefits of the common effort.

The origins of the Olympic Games in Ancient Greece were to ensure a Holy Olympic Truce, ceasing all hostilities during the games. This tradition continues with the UN General Assembly’s Resolution A/78/L.9, adopted on November 21, 2023, which calls for the observance of the Olympic Truce during the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games. The Olympic Truce Declaration was also signed in Ancient Olympia during the lighting of the Olympic Flame for the Paris Olympics. In this spirit, we join Olympic athletes in urging political leaders to advocate for peace during the Olympics. We reach out to the global audience to voice their support and call for a ceasefire and a strengthening of efforts for peace. To the billions of people watching the Paris Olympics of 2024, we invite you to join us in this call for an Olympic Truce and lasting peace. Let us ensure that our children survive us. Instead of destroying each other, let us work together to save our planet. We believe that, together, we can make a difference. Let us honor the spirit of the Olympic Truce and strive for a world where peace prevails over conflict.


International Olympic Truce Centre Vice-Presidents
Mr. George Papandreou (former Prime Minister) & Ms. Fani Palli-Petralia (former Minister)

Director & Secretary
Professor Constantinos Filis
