The digital competition “Say NO to Bullying & Cyberbullying” is part of the “Respecting Diversity” educational programme. It is open to students from 10 to 15 years old in all schools in Greece. Hundreds of entries are submitted every year by private, public and special needs schools from all over Greece. Students forming small-member teams are asked to create a short video or PPT presentation, in either Greek or English language. Their work is inspired by basic principles of Olympism, such as recognizing and respecting diversity, conflict resolution, social inclusion and equality of opportunity.
Τhe competition highlights the ideals and values of Olympism and the Olympic Truce, and aims to promote how these ideals can be useful in resolving student differences within the school environment. Bullying and Cyberbullying are major problems that children face nowadays, which ca causes many problems in their adult lives. Students through the presentation of their ideas, become concerned, raise questions on the issue, develop skills and work in teams, while gaining more self-confidence, which is a useful tool in facing bullying in their everyday life at school.
The competition is carried out in cooperation with the British Council in Greece.