International Olympic Truce Centre
International Olympic Truce Centre > Newsfeed > Press Centre > Conclusion of the CLIS Training Programme: Empowering Community Leaders for Inclusion through Sport

Conclusion of the CLIS Training Programme: Empowering Community Leaders for Inclusion through Sport

Athens, January 29, 2024 – The International Olympic Truce Centre (IOTC) is pleased to announce the successful conclusion of the Community Leader for Inclusion through Sport (CLIS) training programme, a key initiative under the CrosSport project. The programme, hosted by ICSS Europe in collaboration with the Observatory for Sports, Education and Communities (ODEC) and the Sports Confederation of Portugal (CSD), ran from November 10, 2023, to January 26, 2024.

Over the course of 11 weeks, the CLIS training programme brought together approximately 25 participants per session from around 30 different organizations. This diverse group of participants engaged in a comprehensive training experience designed to build their capacities as Community Leaders for Sport Inclusion (CLIS).

The training comprised 15 hours of in-class (online) theoretical modules, organized into six intensive modules of 2.5 hours each. These sessions covered a wide range of themes, from international laws on refugee integration to social innovation in sport. The underlying philosophy of the CLIS training was to “walk the talk,” utilizing various interactive formats such as presentations, brainstorming sessions, and role plays. This approach ensured that all participants, including speakers and trainees from leading partners in the participating countries, could share and illustrate examples and experiences of projects and initiatives that break down barriers through sport.

In addition to the in-class modules, participants were given home-based tasks or “challenges” to reinforce their learning and apply the concepts discussed in the sessions. This practical application helped to embed the skills, knowledge, and expertise gained during the training within their respective sports organizations and communities.

Furthermore, participants were integrated into a wider network focused on using sport for the inclusion of refugees. This network provides ongoing support, resources, and collaboration opportunities, ensuring the sustainability and impact of the training programme.

The CLIS training programme exemplifies the objectives of the CrosSport initiative, which is funded by the European Union and coordinated by ICSS EUROPE. The initiative aims to test and develop new policies, programmes, and actions that promote sport as a means of social inclusion for refugees, and it is being implemented in partnership with the International Olympic Truce Centre (Greece), Fondazione SS Lazio 1900 (Italy), and Fundación Sevilla FC (Spain).

The IOTC and its partners remain committed to promoting social inclusion and empowerment through sport. We look forward to the continued success of the CrosSport initiative and its positive impact on communities across Europe.